How We Serve Leaders


Executive Leadership Coaching

We provide customized individual leadership coaching for senior leaders in a manner that is called “pure coaching”. It is not some rigid program, but a holistic approach where we spend time learning your professional and personal goals then we work with you to design an approach that best suits you.

We also provide team coaching for leadership teams, small groups of leaders, and we also provide Board Development services.

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Consulting & Research

We come alongside organizations in various ways to help them with building their Leader Development Systems, Employee Engagement efforts, address workplace culture, and generally help in the areas of organizational development.

We also do secondary research for leaders and their organizations in areas of organizational development to help them be even more effective in leading their organizations. Also, Lauren has come alongside HR partners in order to help them implement training systems.

Leading a “Five Dysfunctions of a Team” workshop at Millsaps College - August 2021

Leading a “Five Dysfunctions of a Team” workshop at Millsaps College - August 2021

Workshops & Training

We provide various workshops that help improve the effectiveness of the organization. Such as Patrick Lencioni’s Five Dysfunctions of a Team workshop, change management workshops, Employee Engagement workshops, and others that are custom designed for the organization’s needs.

We also develop training modules that can be delivered virtually or taken online on various topics such as Emotional Intelligence, Active Listening, The Use & Abuse of Power, and others.


WorkStyles Assessment

These assessments have proven to be incredibly useful in people better understanding themselves and how they best interact with others. No assessment can define people, as we are all incredibly complex, but this assessment does provide people with a snapshot that is useful in growing in self-awareness and others-awareness.

We have found it to be particularly useful in team environments as when the team members better understand each other, then they are able to work together more effectively.