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Getting Ready to be Uncomfortable!

As much as we often don’t like it, most of us know that we tend to grow the most when we are faced with a challenge and are forced to stretch and learn new things. Often times we actually need to purposefully place ourselves into a place of discomfort in order to grow.

This is what I have chosen to do for the next 60 days beginning Monday, February 6th. Some of you know that I am a fan of the book Deliberate Discomfort. Well, the author, Jason Van Camp, has a Deliberate Discomfort 60-day challenge that I will be embracing. The challenge addresses six domains of your life: 1. Spiritual, 2. Mental, 3. Emotional, 4. Social, 5. Professional, and 6. Physical. I was able to work out a couple of changes to better fit me that they agreed with such as they ask you to read four books a month (one a week actually) and I already am at five books a month, so my challenge in this area will be to write at least 500 words every day as I desire to become a better writer.

So, I know I need to push myself to become better and this looked like a good tool to do so. I will be posting about my journey occasionally on LinkedIn or here on our website.

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